
Sprung from the depths of the metropolis, Ivy is influenced by the juxtaposition of natural world, forged natural material and technology. A need for worship and appreciation of our natural habitats she creates works with metal, glass, wood, and found objects i.e. seeds, flowers and bones to show our cycle of life and death. In an altar based way of creating, every material and object is important to the experience of the work. Asking questions about sustainability and truth behind waste, works are birthed from inspiration for change.

Owner/Director of Design/Project Manager
Interior/Exterior Design
Terraforming/Altar work
Leather working

An artist trained by the woods of Maine, the work of Logan is best described as fusion of life and death with a notion of time as the ultimate orchestrator of all things.  Drawing from the mysteries of the past; from the desiccated roots of a great first growth tree, or the corroded vertebra and skull of a deer that died winters past, he works specifically with the anatomy of what once lived.  Creating relics of organic systems that mimic concepts fossilized within our cultural zeitgeist he generate questions about how we live and die and what it means to be human.  The visceral way Logan works is purely reactionary to the materials being worked, growing and dying in each moment to be transmuted in a constantly evolving cycle of the unending process that we are all subject to.

Owner/Director of Fabrication/Project Manager
Leather working
LED Technician

Soyoon means a “bright light” in Korean. With every light, there lies a shadow, and it is within the shadows Soyoon’s affinities lay.  There is polarity in everything and beauty can also be found in the decay, the broken, and the damaged. 

To her, nowhere and everywhere is home all at once. “Home is a place that once you leave, you can never go back”. Everything stays exactly the same but changes at the same time and home becomes but a memory. This transience and nostalgia is apparent in her work, as she rearranges fragments of time and places them onto one canvas or screen, aiming to create a space that is unattainable, just as “home” is unattainable to her.  

Soyoon is inspired by and appreciates what is overlooked and corroded by time, recognizing and embracing her demons to create work that reflects the mania within.

Fabricator/Media & Marketing
Graphic Design
Web Design

A tattoo artist originating from the rurals of Connecticut, Chase has cultivated relations throughout New England over the years as well as a few distant regions of the country. His personal work is primarily an emotion based abstraction of the photonic realm. Inspired by the most ancient of cultures while simultaneously being motivated through modern technological pursuits; Chase works within a melting pot of mediums that is ever growing from living flesh, decorative glass paintings and furniture fabrication to functional utility prototypes.  For the sake of sustainability, Chase has continued to re purpose glass and other usable material that would otherwise be deemed garbage at the mercy of various corporations and construction companies. Through this randomized pallet he orchestrates symmetry and organization through patience and an open mind. The majority of his creative process revolves around the design of the microverse and how it translates into human perspective and the latter. Art is essential to our evolution if we wish to be effective in the realms of innovation and change. Without stretching our imagination beyond its limits there is no hope for improvement.
Visualization. Intention. Conception.

LED Technician
Pipe working
Tattoo Technician


Andrew Hlynsky is a technology artist and mad scientist from the future.  Originally born in providence rhode island andrew was exposed to the enormous cultural wealth the city had to offer at a very young age.  Andrews work spans a wide variety of physical, digital and performative mediums.  He has studied at the New School for Jazz, Berklee College of Music, Berklee valencia, School of the Museum of Fine Arts and Tufts University.  Andrew specializes in custom LED work, interactive art, projection mapping, 3d design, graphic design and electronic music. More on him at www.andrewhlynsky.com

LED Master
LED Technician
Lighting Specialist
Music Producer
Graphic Design


Matty is devoted to the evolution of healing through creativity and sensory perception. He aims to cultivate a stimulating inner and outer visual experience with the use of intelligent placement of lights, deco, and elements of existence, sound, and performance. His mission is to connect with the world to create an experience that unites the mind, body, and soul.

Lighting Specialist/Fabricator/Designer
Lighting Specialist

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Oliver, co-founder and creative director of Rhizome, NYC is a multi-talented artist who believes in approaching all situations from a position of gratitude and kindness. Possessing an unwavering dedication to community, he embodies creative synchronicity to create stunning visual installations with all who he encounters.

From design to production, Oliver engulfs himself in the intent of the project and passionately contributes for the sake of elegance. His travels have exposed him to the wonder of humanity, and influence his homage to the global community.

Oliver intricately maps complex creative stage designs and leads the creative vision of live video performance.

Visual Director/Designer/Fabricator
Visual Design
3D Mapping