Reliquarium woodworking developing naturalistic designs inspired by the grain and composition of the materials they are born out of.  Working closely with clients, we develop highly detailed sculptures by layering wood to create one of a kind works based off logo art, specified themes, or other branding materials to make any musician, Festival, or collector's ideas a reality.  Our wood works generally employ a variety of built in lighting effects that will bring out the details in the works.  We plan carefully during the design process to integrate the lighting and technological elements into the work, hiding them, to give any sculpture an eminating feel while preserving the magic of the piece. 

Envision woodcut lazer portal

Layered Woodcuts

We offer custom designed layered sculptures that represent specific logos, signage, and other branding materials uniquely tailored to meet the specific needs of our clients in both the professional and private sectors


Natural Engineering

The Reliquarium team can mobilize to create large scale structural sculptures for use as gateways, portals, and temple architecture using traditional building methods as well as more unorthodox naturalistic altar-works derived from locally harvested materials and employing unique build methodologies.

Nold color led skull medallion shot

L.E.D Integration

The Reliquarium provides custom l.e.d solutions for integrated light box sculptures and unique fixtures designed for durability and complete light-works control.